
Hello! I am Aishwarya Deep Rastogi. Grad Student, Software Engineer, Web Developer, Cloud and Dev Ops Engineer

I am a second year Software Engineering master's student at San Jose State University specializing in Enterprise Software Technologies. I am an experienced software professional who chose to go back to school to spend more time on the areas which I felt will improve me as a software developer. Some of the most interesting courses I took at Grad school are Enterprise Distributed Applications development, Cloud Technologies, Software Systems Security in C and Linux and Software Systems Engineering with focus on Object Oriented Design pattern. Each of the course above provided me a unique perspective of approaching software engineering problems. Moreover, I got a chance to apply my acquired knowledge in professional work environment as I interned at Juniper Networks this summer in Build and Release team. Prior to this internship, I have worked as a Software Developer for Tata Consultancy Services as a Full Stack Engineer.

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Basic Information
+1 669-204-9689
1326, The Alameda, San Jose, CA-95126, U.S.A
English, Hindi
Professional Skills

2019 - 2021

Master's Degree
GPA - 3.78
Master of Science

San Jose State University

Courses completed:

Fall 2019:

  • CMPE 202 Software Systems Engineering with focus on Design Patterns, AOP and feature IDE.
  • CMPE 272 Enterprise Software Platforms
  • CMPE 273 Enterprise Distributed Systems focusing on the design and development of large scale systems.

Spring 2020:

  • CMPE 275 Enterprise Application Development focusing on Enterprise grade Full Stack Software Applications using Java and Spring Framework.
  • CMPE 281 Cloud Technologies focusing on deployment, containerization and orchestration of applications on AWS/GCP cloud
  • CMPE 266 Big Data Engineering and Analytics using R and Cassandra.

Fall 2020:

  • CMPE 279 Software Systems Security focusing on the vulnerabilities of applications and techniques employed to make them more secure like Privilege Separation and Privilege dropping, Capabilities and Control seccomp and Pledging etc.
  • CMPE 294 Technical Writing
  • CMPE 295-A Master's Project titled "Edge Computing Cloud Platform for Deep Learning Enabled Surveillance"

Spring 2021

  • CMPE 274 Business Intelligence
  • CMPE 295-B Master's Project Continued..

2013 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree
GPA - 4.0
Bachelor of Technology

University of Computer Science

Courses Taken

  • - Data Structures
  • - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • - Operating System
  • - Distributed Computing
  • - Parallel Algorithm
  • - Programming in C
  • - Theory of Automata
  • - Compiler Design
Work Experience

June 2020 - August 2020

Juniper Networks
Software Engineering Intern - Build and Release team

Build and Release Full Stack Web Application for Querying the Graph Database

  • Developed Python Command line tools and GraphQL APIs to automate fetching of information from build systems and storing them in graph databases for effective traversal, thereby eliminating costly join operations as in Relational databases and increasing performance.
  • Developed Full Stack Query framework using Bidirectional Graph Algorithms on graphs stored in distributed Dgraph database.
  • Developed Django microservices and user interface in Vue.js for building interface for Dgraph query framework, containerized all the components while attaching a persistent volume to Dgraph and orchestrated using Kubernetes.

July 2017 - June 2019

Tata Consultancy Services
Software Developer

Worked as a Full Stack developer for Bank of Montreal in TCS. I worked on J2EE enterprise grade code and also on latest microservices architecture using JAVA Spring Framework. I led a team of software developers to solve various banking problems and was involved in a range of projects as a full stack and backend software developer.

Some of my notable projects include:
  • Tax and Bill Payment:
  • I was responsible for decommissioning Tax and Bill pay legacy module to convert it into restful architecture. The code was written in a clean, efficient and followed a layered architecture with clean separation of business logic over Rest channel, EJB Wrapper, EJB and DAO layer. Moreover, separted cross cutting concerns using Spring AOP Framework. Finally integrated the restful services into Frontend Angular 4 Application. Deployed the rest layer on openshift pods, while EJB and Database code on WAS 9 and WAS 6 servers. I was also responsible for writing junit test cases using easy mock framework to mock EJBs.

    Technologies Stack : Java-Spring Restful services,EJBs, AOP, Angular 4, WAS 6,9, Liberty

  • Cheque Imaging:
  • Led the cheque imaging team and developed pdfs programmatically using itext API and making it available via microservice. Also deployed the microservice on IBM WAS 9 server.

    Technologies Stack : Java-Spring MVC, Itext api, EJB, WAS 6,9, Liberty

  • Manage Accounts
  • Developed manage accounts module as a full stack developer, which was added as a new functionality in the OLBB framework.

    Technologies Stack : Java-Spring Restful services, EJBs, Angular 4, WAS 6,9, Liberty

  • OLBB Sign In
  • Re-engineered the OLBB sign in module as a part of OLBB portal decomission project.

    Technologies Stack : Java-Spring Restful services, EJBs and IBM liberty.

Contact Me


1326, The Alameda Apt 266, San Jose,CA-95126, U.S.A


+1 669-204-9689

